Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This is how I feel today.
I am recovering from the flu.
The flu.
The flu is icky.

It makes you all disgusting and hurting all over like an arthritic old person.
I don't like feeling like an arth
ritic old person.
It is icky.

So, with all of the swine flu talk and us having a Mexican pig on the farm that runs around screaming, "Tu tienes mi gato!" (I don't have a picture of him now, but here is his baby picture:

), the humans all panicked and sent me far away to a veterinarian or something, but I escaped with my awesome kung kwate (a mix of kung fu, tae kwon do, and karate) I looked sort of like this right before I attacked. The little dude didn't see it coming. Yes:

Now I am back. And dangerous. Weeeee.
Have a nice day.

P.S. I have noticed that some of you don't know that the posts go from bottom to top like blogs do. Well now you know. Goodbye.